Featured CAS Profile: Stephen Svenson

Featured CAS Profile: Stephen Svenson

Teaching Contributions I originally started teaching at St Jerome’s when I was completing my PhD in Sociology and have taught courses in introductory sociology, research methods, contemporary theory, sociology of community and power and parenting. Students in my...
Featured CAS Profile: Patrick Watson

Featured CAS Profile: Patrick Watson

Teaching Contributions I have taught three sessions of LS101 nearly every year since 2015. I tallied it up a couple of years ago, and that means I’ve had the pleasure of teaching over 3000 undergraduate students in that time! I’ve also taught a couple of...
Postering on Campus

Postering on Campus

This week, you might start seeing some of our posters up around the SJU campus. These posters emphasize those things that our CAS members told us are most important to them: Faster Seniority Standing Appointments Pension and Benefits Equal Pay for Equal Work These are...
Featured CAS Profile: Elena Afros

Featured CAS Profile: Elena Afros

Teaching Contributions I have been teaching at the University of Waterloo since 2006 and crossed the bridge to St. Jerome’s in 2014. Among the courses that I have developed and taught both individually and as part of a team are: Introduction to Linguistics (ENGL...
Part 2 of Toni and Stephen’s video released!

Part 2 of Toni and Stephen’s video released!

In Part II of our final video, Toni Serafini and Stephen Svenson explain how compensating CAS members for the service work they do will bring crucial benefits to students and full-time faculty in a small institution like SJU; how offering tuition benefits for children...
Featured CAS Profile: Lauri Jang

Featured CAS Profile: Lauri Jang

Teaching Contributions Since the launch of the Arts First program in 2018, I have been teaching Arts First sections for SJU, with course titles like How the Sausage Is Made: An Exploration of How and What We Eat and What a Waste! Finding Meaning Through Reflection. ...